Sunday, February 27, 2011

If She...

If she tells what you can and cannot do
If she tells you where you can and cannot go
If she tells you who you can and cannot be friends with
If she checks your phone messages
If she inspects your facebook/twitter
If she needs to know what you're doing every second
If she calls you a hundred times if you don't reply
If she becomes insanely jealous over every woman
If she makes paranoid assumptions
If she doesn't hold a door open for you
If she hates the stuff you're into
If she blackmails you
If she embarrasses you in public
If she hates your friends
If she tries you make you jealous
If she keeps saying "it's nothing" because she expects you to be a mind-reader
If she says "Fine!"
If she can't take criticism
If she can't take a joke
If she already knows the answer she wants when she asks you something
If she expects things you can't afford
If she acts like going out with her is a privilege you should be grateful for
If she tries to change you because she's embarrassed
If she doesn't offer to pay
If she won't share her meal
If she breaks your stuff
If she's acting like you're married when you've been together months
If she needs constant attention
If she imposes her likes and dislikes on you
If she doesn't respect your personal time and/or space
If she lies to you
If she tests you

Friday, February 25, 2011

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid

This entire Ayala Alabang this is just plain stupid. That's the only way to say it. Let's just look at it from one angle right now. Let's forget about any religion or any bill. What is the reason that we have doctors make prescriptions?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Angelo Reyes' Sacrifice?

I don't really understand President Ramos' recent comments on Angelo Reyes. Here's what he said:

Ramos said Reyes did what he did because he “tried to save the AFP [Armed Forces of the Philippines ] and its three major services.”
“He tried to save the institutions that he represented. Let’s just take it that way . . . that his sacrifice was not in vain,” said Ramos.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Demise of Gossip Girl

I am about to write the gayest post ever, so be warned.

Lately I've gotten around to thinking that the current season of Gossip Girl isn't really Gossip Girl anymore, but a generic TV drama.

For one, the Gossip Girl character, the character that gives the very show its name and was a focal part of series, is now nonexistent. The show is named Gossip Girl, and now Gossip Girl has been relegated to a mere voice at the beginning and ending of each episode. It used to be that the main source of intrigue and scheming was about how rumors spread on Gossip Girl and what damage it could do. Now, they're still doing their schemes, but there's absolutely nothing to set it apart from any other show. There are no scandalous Gossip Girl blasts anymore, there are no more big secrets revealed and lies spread. The whole dynamic of what made Gossip Girl different is gone.

Second, hair-brained schemes are okay when you're in high school, but if you're still doing it in college as pretty much an adult it starts becoming less cute and more immature. Gossip Girl to me was a show that isn't meant to grow up. It should always be in high school, because that's the only setting that makes the characters interesting. It's where teens in limousines are unique and interesting, adults in limousines are normal. It's where Blair can be the typical queen bee. It's where Dan being not rich is interesting because of his surroundings. I mean, can you imagine Glee outside of the high school setting? Can you imagine The Simpsons if they grew old? Some shows aren't meant to grow up.

The characters of Gossip Girl are all the same people they've always been. Unfortunately you can't say the same about the setting they're in. And the show is worse off for it.