Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Idiot's Guide to Contraceptives and Abortifacients

A lot of confusion about the entire RH Bill debate seems to come from a poor understanding of the terms involved. So let's try to explain this as easily as possible.

Here is how the pregnancy happens: Guy+girl+sex = orgasm. Guy's sperm travels to girl's egg. Sperm+egg = conception. Conception = life.

I hope that was clear enough for you. Surely any idiot on Earth could understand that.

Now, on the the next concept. It is impossible to abort or kill something that does not exist. That would be like me trying to kill my son. I cannot do it, simply because of the fact that he currently does not exist.

 If a girl does not get pregnant, there is nothing to kill. Girls become pregnant because? Yes, because conception happens. How does conception happen again? Sperm+egg. Sperm is not life, an egg is not life. A sperm cell and an egg cell together is life.

So, what have we learned so far? The only way to abort or kill something, is for there to be something to kill or abort in the first place, yes? You cannot kill empty space. How is does life happen? Sperm meeting egg. This is a very crucial concept you must remember. You can only kill things that exist. New things exist when sperm meets egg.  

So, what makes a contraceptive different from an abortifacient? Are they the same thing? What's their deal?

Let's start with contraceptives. Just look at the word. Contra-ceptive. It works to counter conception. What is conception again? Sperm meeting egg. Contraceptives work so that sperm never meet egg cells. Whether it's by not letting the sperm enter the vagina in the first place (condoms), or by killing the sperm cells (spermicides), or by sealing off the fallopian tubes or the vasa deferentia to prevent fertilization (tubal ligation and vasectomies), or by preventing an egg from being released during a woman's period (birth control pills), contraceptives stop conception from ever happening. Remember what life is again? Life is a sperm and an egg together. So if a contraceptives stop a sperm and egg from meeting, is there a life present at any point in time? No.

What about abortifacients? Look at the word again. Abortifacients. They are drugs that stop pregnancies AFTER conception has happened. They are meant to induce chemical abortion. There is no abortifacient that acts BEFORE conception, because if it did, it would be then called a contraceptive. All abortifacients take effect AFTER life is present.

All too often the words contraceptives and abortifacients are thrown around without a proper understanding of what they actually are or what they actually do. Well now you know.

To recap:
You can only kill things that exist.
Life begins when sperm cells meet egg cells.
Contraceptive prevent, abortifacients abort.
Contraceptives =/= abortifacients.

1 comment:

  1. I think some people think it's also abortion when you block the intent to create life. It's like cockblocking God or something.
