Sunday, August 29, 2010


Thanks to this awesome good post on Techcrunch, I've decided to actually use this blog.

Most of the time I don't have the time to write anything since I'm busy trying to juggle deadlines for six different classes that all decided to have their deadlines at around the same time. But then you ask yourself, what do you really remember writing from your tweets or facebook status messages? You aren't gonna be able to look back on all of those after 60 years.

These blogs, they're not just a place to be able to voice out what you think. They're a record of your life. What makes you you is what's up there inside your head. Your opinions, your thoughts, your ideas. If you put yourself out in your blog, your children and your grandchildren will be able to read it and know you long after you're gone just by being able to read about what you think.

So, I resolve to put something in here at least once a week, as long as I have a topic or idea to talk about.

Ciao, bella


  1. You've PLENTY of things to talk about. Yung Twitter mo pa nga lang e. :)) I have this blog, I've had it since high school. It's pretty cool nga to look back on ooold entries, although many just make me cringe at my icky old self.

    Social shutdown though, I've been tempted recently, so I find his quitting interesting. But hmm I probly wouldn't do it. Haha
