Sunday, May 29, 2011

The obsolete things I'd like to show my grandkids

As we move closer and closer to an age where our entire lives exist only in the internet, a time will come when children will no longer recognize the things we used to use every single day. Well, here are some of the things i'm determined to let the future generation know about. And yes, it's already starting.

Kids in the future need to know that there was once a time when computer programs came in diskettes, and that every computer student in school had a diskette where they stored their work. Yep, diskettes, all 1.44 mb of memory of them. Once, that was enough to store your files in. 

CD players
They need to know that once upon a time you could only listen to one, maybe two CD's before your batteries dried up. And there was no recharging on these babies, you used AA batteries. There was a time when you couldn't skip tracks too much, because that would consume a lot of power. You couldn't move the player around too, because the shock would cause the music to skip. 

Cassette Tapes
When kids no longer understand where the term "rewind" came from, this is the thing you'll show them. This is the form in which the earliest form of music I knew came in. Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, Toni Braxton, yep, all on cassette. When kids no longer know what the term "backmasking" means, this is what you'll show them.

Kids need to know the nostalgic beauty of actually typing on a loud typewriter, like a real proper writer. It's loud, you can't make typos, and it's antiquated; but there's something special about feeling the clack clack clack of the keys and the ding when you get to the end.

The Nokia 3210
Cellphones are now so common that it ceases to become an accessory and has rather transformed into a an object that has a symbiotic relationship with humans. But kids in the future have to know, this is where it all began. Before the iPhone, this was the widespread phone of the world. This gave the world phones. Once upon a time messages were not able to be as long as they are now, and that's where extreme word shortening came from. Once, the only game you had in your phone was Snake. Once, having a colored phone was state of the art technology.

Ball Mouse
When the age comes that all mice are optical, or when we've abandoned them altogether for touchscreens, kids have to see that once we used a mouse with a rolling ball under it to control our computers.

Rotary Phone
Phones are not only losing buttons now, but cords as well. Kids should see that once a time, you dialed one number at a time. You rotated it from the number you want, waited for it to get back, then rotated again from the next number.

Film Rolls
In an age where every camera is digital, it will be easy to forget that only around ten years ago, we were loading these things into our cameras. They should know that once, you had to keep count of how many pictures you've taken, since you only had a couple dozen shots. Once, you had to go to a shop to have all of your photos developed before actually seeing how they turned out.

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